Monday, December 7, 2009

End of Summer summary

So it's been a while again! Sorry about that. It seems we go long periods of time where nothing new really happens, so it's hard to get motivated to write! I'm going to split this into a few different posts I think. This will be the end of summer summary.

Back in August, after our trip to Tokyo, we spent an afternoon at the beach, Irago Bay in Tahara- which is about an hour away down the pennisula from Toyohashi. It's hard to get there with public transportation, which is why we had never gone before even though it is by far the best place nearby to see the ocean. Anyway a friend offered to drive us down and have lunch in Tahara with us, so we were finally able to go!

This lighthouse is pretty famous.

So Tahara has a Toyota plant that manufactures Lexuses and some other Toyota cars, that we drove past and I didn't even think to take a picture as we were passing it even though it was HUGE and amazingly cool. We saw it again from the lookout tower we visited after the beach. Those windmills are surrounding the plant and everything in that area is the Toyota plant.  Our Japanese friends told us that they produce their own electricity to run the plant, which I thought was cool!

Anyway, this ship probably has cars in it. Which is awesome.

 There is no swimming allowed on this side of the peninsula due to dangerous undertow, so even though it was about 90 degrees that day, the closest anybody got was to stick their toes in. This is all the closer we got to the water.

That night when we got home I took a few pictures of the view from our apartment, since the clouds were pretty and it was clear enough to see the mountains.

The mountains look much more impressive in person, but this gives you an idea.

Okay that was summer! It was pretty great. Fall is next! 

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