Monday, December 7, 2009

Fall Summary : November

So for the most important November news...

We saw New Moon! For those of you who don't know this, I am a huge Twilight fan. The books are the literary equivilent of movie theater popcorn. Guity please reading with no nutritional value, I love them so much it's embarassing, and even though my inner feminist hates the message, hates the characters and hates the premise, I still love them. I thought the first movie was pretty bad, but loved New Moon, so much so that I have started to re-read the series eince the movie re-ignited my love for the books.

Yes that is my reflection in both those pictures, I took them with my cell phone.

This picture is of the escalators, they go up 5 floor, and our theater was on the 5th floor. It was awesome.

We also went to Nagoya, for some shopping and dinner, which was fun. Nagoya is a huge city and can be really crowded, so we try to schedule our trips for to avoid the crowded subways during prime hours. It can be scary crowded at times, at least for a small town kid like myself! So we try to avoid the biggest stations and busiest parts of town. Here are a few pictures from the same park we visited on our anniversary in June!

So that's it, we're officially updated on the past few months! Thanks for reading!

-Ruth and Tim

1 comment:

  1. LOVE it! wish you could get one of those movie posters - so cool. I WAS really behind on reading these - MOST interesting, and great pics! Love you both! Mom J
